About me
I'm a software engineer on the installer team at Red Hat. While I contribute to the installer itself and to a library for parsing installer kickstart files my principle focus is blivet, a library for managing storage. "Storage" in this context describes anything that holds the bytes on which data is stored permanently.
Open-source contributions
On GitHub, my user name is mulkieran . Most of my open-source contributions are listed there, although my contributions to cvechecker are not, because I did not contribute them via GitHub.
About six months after I started at Red Hat, I wrote an article about my experiences on the installer for "Women in Open Source Week". The article is available at http://opensource.com/business/14/2/observations-red-hat-software-engineer . Everything that I wrote in the article still seems correct to me, but I'm thinking a bit more about how software can be designed from the ground up to encourage contributions from stakeholders in the open-source community.
Working on blivet
Since I began working at Red Hat just about a year ago, the tasks to which I have devoted a significant chunk of time are:
- Rendering the code base pylint error free.
- Abstracting a RAID level model.
- Abstracting filesystem labeling tasks.
- Extending the set of unit tests, and refining parts of the unit test framework.
- Formalizing some aspects of the Size class, used to represent a number of bytes.
Like all my colleagues I spend a fair amount of time in daily tasks related to product maintenance.
Blivet source is available on GitHub at https://github.com/dwlehman/blivet . The documentation is on ReadTheDocs at http://blivet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .